Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: Sunland Park, New Mexico, has become a mecca for cannabis-seeking Texans.
Today's intelligence: Educator Barbara Pearlman breaks her silence about the unfounded attacks made against her and her philosophy of education during last November's Truth or Consequences school board election. Plus: public comment meeting on Spaceport America next week in Albuquerque
The TorC arts community — led by the Sierra County Arts Council — has a full schedule planned for early 2024.
The city commission evidently thinks we are too stupid to understand capital projects and procurement procedures so they don't bother to explain them. An uninformed electorate dooms democracy and invites autocracy or kleptocracy.
Today's intelligence from state and national reporting: The New York Times sent a reporter to Sierra County to observe Virgin Galactic's sixth launch at Spaceport America last month. He came back with this full-blown assessment of the history and impact of New Mexico's massive investment in new aerospace industries. Even if you're sick of reading about VG and the Spaceport, the article's color photographs of Truth or Consequences are not to be missed.
Today's intelligence from state and national reporting: New Mexico's projected revenues for fiscal year 2025 likely to surpass the previous fiscal year's record.
Today's intelligence from state and national reporting: Governor Grisham proposes that the state create a reserve of treated oilfield wastewater for use in "green" commercial and industrial endeavors.
Today's intelligence: New Mexico’s outdoor recreation industry grew 1.9 percent in 2022 over the previous year.
Today's intelligence: a few more reasons to be thankful
Today's intelligence: New Mexico adopts clean car standards to support the availability and use in the state of zero-emission vehicles.
Today's intelligence: Congressman Gabe Vasquez helps to secure federal funding for a renewable energy transmission project that will create jobs for southern New Mexicans.
Today's intelligence: Virgin Galactic announces layoffs to conserve cash for research and development of a new passenger spacecraft.