Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: Eighty-one community projects in New Mexico put forward by U.S. Senator Martin S. Heinrich will receive funding as allocated in the six appropriation bills recently passed by Congress and signed by the president.
While waiting for a decision on the mine's protested application to transfer water rights to their wells for use at Copper Flat, I thought you might be interested in the positions finally taken by all the parties in the trial.
Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: Seven-state negotiations over future Colorado River water distribution cuts have stalled again.
Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: Bipartisan legislation introduced last week by New Mexico CD2 Representative Gabe Vasquez seeks to better preserve public access to public lands.
Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: a roundup of bills imposing tighter regulation of oil and gas producers that died during the recently concluded session of New Mexico Legislature
I wanted to follow up my last article with a few examples of having fun and expressing passion and creativity with nature writing. Might as well tell a story of natural inspiration. The idea of the Prose, Poetry and Art Exhibition is give students a voice on wilderness.
This is a call out to students and teachers who live and study in the communities surrounding the Gila and Aldo Leopold Wildernesses. It is an opportunity to speak your passion via words or paint. Please join the Celebration.
Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: a critique of New Mexico's 50-Year Water Action Plan and legislative complications facing the governor's proposed Strategic Water Supply